Pints With A Purpose: Last Man Standing x Lady Musgrave Trust Partnership - The Handy Guide

Pints with a purpose: Last Man Standing Brewing joins forces with The Lady Musgrave Trust

Aug 02, 2023

Have you seen these posters adorning the walls of bars around town?

Behind each design lies a powerful partnership that will initiate vital conversations about respect, safer relationships and what a healthy home environment looks like.

Last Man Standing (LMS) Brewing, a local Brisbane brewery, has teamed with The Lady Musgrave Trust, Queensland’s oldest charity, to raise awareness and much-needed funds for vulnerable women and children facing the harrowing reality of homelessness.

Recognising the role it plays in creating safer homes, LMS Brewing has taken the initiative to launch co-branded communications materials, including eye-catching coasters and posters, to be featured in on-premise events.

These materials serve as compelling reminders, sparking conversations among patrons and the community about the valuable services provided by The Lady Musgrave Trust. A cornerstone of their efforts involves directing people towards The Handy Guide, our comprehensive online service directory to assist Queensland women in need.

While this collaboration may seem unconventional at first glance, Victoria Parker, the CEO of The Lady Musgrave Trust, says it exemplifies the remarkable potential of organisations working together to make Queensland a safer place for women.

“One of the most impactful places we can have these conversations is in social settings where all of us can play a role, in not only starting these conversations, but speaking up and calling out behaviour that is disrespectful,” she says.

“We’re so grateful to Last Man Standing Brewing for recognising the power they have in this conversation. We know it will make a real difference to the lives of Queensland women and children.”

The stark reality is that domestic and family violence continues to be the leading cause of homelessness for women and children – and men are part of the solution.

Olympian and LMS Brewing ambassador Steven Bradbury says the company recognises the important role it can play in sparking tough – but necessary – conversations.

“Not only do we want to raise awareness about The Handy Guide, but we also want to facilitate the conversation about domestic and family violence,” Steven says. “By supporting the Lady Musgrave Trust, we are showing that a lot can happen when you stand up for what’s right.”

Queensland University of Technology professor Michael Flood, a leading expert on preventing domestic and sexual violence, agrees we all have a role to play in creating change – and it can be as simple as starting a conversation with our mates.

“While we’ve made progress, there’s still an active role for the community, particularly men, in stopping violence,” he says.

“Don’t be comfortable with derogatory comments or behaviour. If you notice a mate constantly checking up on his girlfriend or making a sexist comment – call it out,” he said.

“We underestimate the impact this can have on breaking that cycle, encouraging more respect in relationships and building more gender-equal communities.”

Through engaging in conversations centred around respect, fostering safe relationships, and nurturing healthy home environments, The Lady Musgrave Trust and LMS Brewing are united in our mission to effect meaningful change.

The Lady Musgrave Trust is grateful to LMS Brewing for recognising the power they have in driving this conversation forward. We know their efforts will make a real difference to the lives of Queensland women and children.