About THG - The Handy Guide
About the handy guide

The Handy Guide for Homeless Women has been developed to provide support services for women who are without shelter or at risk of becoming homeless. Previously this guide was developed and provided as a physical guide that was updated annually, with tens of thousands of copies distributed through frontline and support services across Queenlsand each year.

The Handy Guide has now been made available as an online resource with a services directory for women in crisis, older women at risk of homelessness, and women experiencing domestic and family violence.


Thanks to seed funding from Queensland Gives by Queensland Community Foundation and Small Steps 4 Hannah, this online guide was launched in 2022. We are grateful for the ongoing support of our partners, which enables us to continue to provide this valuable resource. It ensures women in need, as well as the service providers who assist them, have access to essential information and support.

About The Lady Musgrave Trust

The Lady Musgrave Trust is Queensland’s oldest charity and champion for homeless women. The Vision of Trust is that all women throughout Queensland will be free from homelessness. We are a credible, capable and committed leader in reducing homelessness through our demonstrated capacity to accommodate and service homeless young women and their children, provide useful directory information to homeless women to minimise their journey, influence the development of the social services and housing sectors and lead new innovative and collaborative homelessness projects within the community.

Our commitment and Call to Action is to:

  • Fight against women’s homelessness
  • Engage and empower women
  • Drive conversations in community
  • Inspire change