Crisis Housing - The Handy Guide

Crisis Housing

May 29, 2020

Depending on your situation, there may be limited crisis housing available.

The main gateways to crisis housing in Queensland are the Homeless Persons Information Queensland telephone hotline, your local Department of Housing and Public Works office or your local Homelessness Hub if there is one in your area.

Stay safe - don't sleep in your car or in a public place. Staying with family or friends will generally be better and safer.

Read on to find out more or search for a service.


Homeless Hotline

Phone: 1800 47 47 53

The Homeless Hotline has places where you can ring and stay immediately or with a short intake process if a room is available. Instead of calling individual providers, you can call Homeless Hotline on 1800 47 47 53 for guidance on the best options for your situation. Emergency and short-term housing offer rooms from one night to three months. Accommodation types vary by provider (share house / private room), as do eligibility criteria, costs, and waiting lists.

Some places listed are commercial with no wait times (e.g. hotels) but they also have standard rental fees, while others are subsidised and base rental on your income.

Safe Haven Community

Phone: 1800 042 836

Temporary accommodation in private homes so you can escape abusive relationships before they escalate to physical violence. They can help if you are:

  • at risk of or currently experiencing domestic or family abuse or;
  • at risk of or currently experiencing homelessness due to domestic violence
  • eligible for Centrelink benefits or have access to personal funds
  • confirmed to be low risk by a qualified risk assessment worker

DHPW Rent Security Subsidy

Short-term help to pay private rent can help you stay put until you are on your feet again. This includes up to 6 months rent subsidy paid to your landlord. Contact your Local DHPW Service Centre.

DV Connect

Phone: 1800 811 811

Women who experience domestic violence often stay in abusive environments and relationships unless they can find somewhere safe to stay and get the support they need. DVConnect’s Womensline is Queensland’s only 24 hour, 7 days a week, 365 days a year crisis response telephone helpline.

Emergency & Short Term Housing Anglicare

Homelessness services for women and families. Offers temporary accommodation (for 25% of income) and support for single women.

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